Trouble in the Ukraine – Part Five


Map of the Ukraine

Map of the Ukraine


                    Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, in Paris, leaders from the European Union, the United States, Russia and the Ukraine meet to tamp down mounting tensions and rhetoric. The European Union has prepared an aid package worth $15 billion dollars, to help replace funds looted from the Ukrainian treasury, shortly before the corrupt leaders were ousted.


        “the EU froze the assets of 18 people held responsible for misappropriating state funds in Ukraine, echoing similar action in Switzerland and Austria. The list, which likely targeted officials in the ousted government or businessmen related to them, were withheld until Thursday to prevent anyone from withdrawing the funds at the last minute.”[1]


You see, My Dear Readers, which is not something I have heard reported much in the mainstream media, and not at all on Fox. The Ukrainian people revolted against their government because of deep corruption that included, but was not limited to, the theft of funds from the Ukrainian treasury by elected officials. These funds were taken by elected officials and, in certain instances, given to prominent businessmen within the Ukraine. The corruption and theft was, evidently, rampant prior to the start of the protests.


I cannot help but think that if this happened here in America… if elected officials were found to be defrauding the United States Treasury (not just the run of the mill pork) that, we too, as Americans would rise up against said elected officials and any businessmen that were involved. Contrary to the hyperbolic rhetoric proffered as fact was President Putin, the revolutionaries were not “Neo-Nazis” or anti-Semites”. Rather these stalwart Ukrainians were working together to take back their government from corrupt elected officials and businessmen.


As well, today saw the United States working to bring $1 billion dollars of aid to the new Ukrainian government. President Putin has backed away from his initial position and sent orders to troops, in the border areas of the Ukraine, to return to their bases. While Russian President Putin still seeks to make hay over change in government in the Ukraine, calmer heads will prevail.


        “”This is my first trip to such an important venue where the Ukrainian future, maybe the future of the region, will be decided,” Andriy Deshchytsia, Ukraine’s foreign minister, said of the meetings in Paris. “We want to keep neighborly relations with the Russian people. We want to settle this peacefully.”[2]  


America’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, is attending the talks in Paris, today.  Today NATO (the North American Treaty Organization) engaged Russia directly.


        “NATO was taking up the issue directly with Russia in an extraordinary meeting in Brussels of the military alliance, originally created as a counterbalance to the Soviet Union.”[3]


Whereas I have no doubt that certain elements of American media, and their counterparts in the American government, will seek to continue to spin the problems in the Ukraine into fodder… red meat for the base, the truth of the matter is that calmer heads will prevail. President Putin will, likely, still feed his press with red meat and grouse and grumble at the loss of the Ukraine to the European Union. At this time, the die seems cast.


The Iron Curtain is lifting from the Ukraine, and the international community gets a new democratic member. The people of the Ukraine will gain self-governance, and work to replace funds stolen from their treasury. Barring any unseen powder-keg in this situation I expect that all elements involved will work towards a peaceful resolution of this conflict. This is a victory for reasoned debate and further evidence that mankind does posses the ability to peaceably resolve our conflicts.


I will bring any change or escalation of this conflict to you, My Dear Readers, just as soon as possible. Now, I hope to get back to writing about; American politics, The Mars Report, and my introductory horror article.


As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.


Thank YOU!


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Trouble in the Ukraine – Part Four


Crimea Close-Up

Crimea Close-Up


                Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As promised here is the most recent information on the Ukraine. In an obvious reaction to President Obama’s public statements that


        “President Putin is on the wrong side of history”[1]


along with growing pressure from the international community and the majority of the G20 leaders, President Putin has blinked. The world is still awash in mixed messages, and in that regard President Putin is creating other (more personal) concerns… that I will address towards the end of this article. However, Tuesdya’s military actions is clear.


        “The supreme commander of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, gave the order for the troops and units, taking part in the military exercises, to return to their bases,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying…”[2]


Prior to Tuesday’s order, there were close to 150,000 Russian troops, military vehicles and support services along the border of the Ukraine. These troops were, supposedly, part of military maneuvers that curiously coincided with Russia’s Upper House of Parliament voting to give President Putin the authority to use troops and military hardware as he desired without outlining where of why first. Even as President Putin is ordering the troops to leave the border areas, he was still engaged in false bravado in front of the press.


This dichotomy, between President Putin’s words and his actions, are causing growing concerns regarding his sanity. It is obvious that President Putin is concerned about the shrinking landmass of the Russian state, and with it the loss of stature in the international community. In 2008, when the country Georgia moved to separate from the Russian nation, President Putin engaged with military troops, too. This is a troubling pattern of behavior, on the part of the Russian President.


Regardless of President Obama’s (many and vocal) detractors, it is obvious that the words and actions of our current President (and his working international leaders) has made huge inroads. Inroads towards dissipating this crisis in the Ukraine, and forcing President Putin’s hand towards removing troops from the Ukrainian border areas. As well, even though President Putin is still barking in his comments to the press, he has walked back earlier comments saying the new government of the Ukraine was ;


        ““an anti-constitutional coup and a military seizure of power” in Kiev had led to a situation inside Ukraine that was chaotic and out of control…”


        “We see the revelry of neo-Nazis, nationalists and anti-Semites that is currently going on in different parts of Ukraine,” Putin said.”[3]


The dialogue has toned down considerably since the earlier remarks. Even the voice of the far right, Fox ‘News’, is reporting that these comments are proven false and that President Putin’s actions are not in the best interests of Russia and the Russian people.


We are far from having the results most Americans, and most of the international community, want to see. Yet, the dynamics have changed, as has the direction of the inertia in this conflict. I sincerely hope that in the coming weeks, I will be able to report that Russia has removed all troops and that the people of the Ukraine are moving towards membership in the European Union.


 As I have promised, I will continue to work towards bring you, My Dear Readers, timely and truthful updates to the situation in the Ukraine.


As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.


Thank YOU!


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The Other Shoe's Daniel Hanning

The Other Shoe’s Daniel Hanning



Trouble in the Ukraine – Part Three


Crimea Close-Up

Crimea Close-Up


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First a little personal update, this morning I woke up to a fever… again. It was 99.8 degrees when I woke up and 101.2 by noon. Last night I had the raspy… water-like sounds in my chest, again. I took all the antibiotics, just as prescribed, and this crud has returned anyway. I ache all over, fevers just drive me nuts, and the coughing is starting up.


I am going to do my best to write through this episode, My Dear Readers. I just cannot take the hit to my readership that comes with any absence. I have started a little horror story, it is called “The Horror in Smithville”. It is a tale of two middle school aged boys, and their adventures when a carnival comes to town. I started writing right before this crud decided to revisit my chest.


I will do my best to get the first part of ‘The Horror of Smithville’ published this week. Right now, I want to write about the changes happening with Russia and the Ukraine. It appears that Russian President Putin has taken leaves of his senses, and putting his nation of poor footing for the future.


This morning President Obama addressed the Russian President:


        ““I spent the weekend talking to leaders across Europe, and I think the world is largely united in recognizing that the steps Russia has taken are a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, their territorial integrity — that they’re a violation of international law, they’re a violation of previous agreements Russia has made with regard to how it treats and respects its neighbors,” Obama said Monday at the White House.[1]


The world is “largely united” in condemnation of the incursion of Russian military troops into Crimea. President Obama has made it clear that by putting troops into Crimea Putin has “put Russia on the wrong side of history”[2]


President Obama went even further, in his remarks, outlining the course of action the international community will take if Russia continues in its ill-fated course of action. 


        “What we are also indicating to the Russians is, if, in fact, they continue on trajectory that they’re on, that we are examining a whole series of steps — economic, diplomatic — that will isolate Russia. and will have a negative impact on Russia’s economy and its status in the world,” the president said.”[3]


Since these comments were made by President Obama, signals coming out of Russia, and Crimea, have become mixed… even confused.


        “Russia’s Black Sea Fleet chief Aleksander Vitko threatened a full assault if they did not surrender by dawn on Tuesday, the sources said.

However, Interfax news agency later quoted a Russian spokesman denying that any ultimatum had been issued.”[4]


This mixed message does little to help Russia’s image in the international community, and calls into question President Putin’s ability to control his commanders. Putin is well known for his statements of bravado, which all too often are later retracted. Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has (reportedly) asked Russian to use military force in the Ukraine.


The movement of two thousand troops on to the Russian base in Crimea was seen to be an answer to this plea for military assistance. However, with two days past since these troops arrived, and no further action or movement has been reported, calls into question Putin’s real motives.


With the entire international community prepared to welcome the Ukraine into the European Union, NATO, and eventually the United Nations. It would be a failed strategy for President Putin to involve Russian troops, anymore than they are already. The White House and the United Nations Security Counsel are already drafting economic sanctions and  travel restrictions on Russian Officials.





INHO President Putin would be best served by allowing his commanders to look foolish, and taking no further action. He need not remove the troops, now stationed in the Russian Port/Base in Crimea. Just do not use them to further engage the Ukrainian people. The Ukraine has made it abundantly clear that they wish to move away from being a Russian province and are asserting the sovereignty. Allowing the Ukraine to have another vote on their President. Not blocking movement to join the European Union, and not exercising their security counsel vote to block Ukrainian membership into the Untied Nations would be the smart course of action.


Well now, My Dear Readers, I am going to get back to resting and trying to get my fever back down. I hope to publish again, soon.


As always I am deeply honored that you come here to read my work.


Thank you!


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