A ‘Shout-Out’ to ‘The Solitary-One’

Danny PET OCM 9-3-14

Danny PET OCM 9-3-14


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and a special article. As most of you, My Dear Readers, are familiar I am running an Indiegogo campaign (Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo) to help me with the mounting costs of; treatment, transportation, medications, and In-Home Care. To motivate potential contributors I have created several ‘Perks’ within the campaign. One, and the least expensive, is the $20 ‘Perk’ ‘The Other Shoe Newsletter’. This entitles anyone that donates $20 (or more up to $40, which is the benchmark for the next ‘Perk’ up the ladder) to One Month FREE copies of The Other Shoe hardcopy Newsletter. Mailed to them, at the address they provide, will be FOUR issues of the newly designed and founded ‘The Other Shoe’ Newsletter!


This is a One-Page (Two sided) Newsletter that provides and overview and excerpts from the given week’s publications at the (two) blogs ‘The Other Shoe’ (at www.theothershoe.blog.com AND @ www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com ). I generally wait and will mail out and FOUR newsletters at the same time. However, for the ONE person that has taken the ‘Perk’ I have mailed out two and have two left to send to him. EVEN BETTER?!?!?


Just NOW at Midnight Pacific Time Tuesday September 23, 2014 I received a $40 donation! Now, they have picked the next-level-up ‘Perk’ called the Multi-SOCIAL-Media Shout-Out!. This entails anyone with a contribution of $40 or more to;


“YOUR NAME (ONLY with YOUR permission) mentioned in a posting on; BOTH my Blogs, Facebook for-Danny Hanning, The Other Shoe, and Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund PLUS on BOTH my Twitter Feeds and On a WEB CAST on Youtube!”


I thought up this ‘Perk’ about two weeks ago, in hopes that people would like seeing their name; on my blogs, mentioned on my FOUR Facebook accounts, One my Twitter feed, and in a VIDEO on my Youtube Channel[1].

Just NOW @ 12:12AM Pacific Time 9/23/2014 I Tweeted


“DCTF JUST NOW Rcvd a $40 DONATION from Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’. So “THANK YOU Sherri Mikeska” ‘The-Solitary-One’ for your GENEROUS DONATION! THANKS!”


Thus completing ONE portion of my commitment of the ‘Perk’ the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media ‘Shout-Out’ ‘Perk’ at Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. This article, once published at BOTH blog locations will complete ‘Stage TWO’ of my commitment for the ‘Perk’. Within the next hour I will record, edit, upload, and publish the ‘Thank YOU Video’ for ‘The-Solitary-One’. Thus completing ‘Stage Three’ of the ‘PERK’.


The final Stage Four is the announcement on the Indiegogo campaign Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo. As of 12:20AM PST I had noted in both the ‘Updates’ section of the campaign web site and the ‘Comment’s portion of the campaign web site my Thanks to Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ for their $40 donation and picking my personally created ‘Perk’ the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media Shout-Out!”


Therefore, just as soon as I can remember my login for my second Twitter account I will log in and say “Thank you Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The Solitary-One’ for your $40 DONATION to DCTF @ Indiegogo!” That will be the fifth and FINAL ‘Stage Five’ of completing my commitment for the ‘Perk’. Now, let me make one thing perfectly clear!




Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ I would like to say “Thank YOU Sherri Mikeska!” for; your donation, your time, your kindness, your generosity… AND for picking the “Multi-SOCIAL-Media ‘Shout-Out’!” as it was the ‘Perk’ that I created all by myself! I have been waiting for someone to pick this ‘Perk’ so I could do this… procedure. I really hope that you Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ sees ALL of these ‘Shout-Outs’! Now, I did see the ‘RL’ name of the person that made the donation. Well, the first name. However, since I DID NOT receive; an email, an Indiegogo PM, or any correspondence giving me permission to use the contributors Real Life name? I DID NOT reveal even the first name that I have record.


Since this is the very first of this ‘Perk’?  Sherri Mikeska aka‘The-Solitary-One’ IF you do want me to use your whole RL name, please submit your whole name via Indiegogo PM and I WILL add it to all the blogs, and Facebook. I WANT TO BE FAIR! As well, I want the people who DOANTE and request ‘Perks’ to feel SATISFIED with the provided ‘Perk’ they choose.


Again, In closing I would like top express my deep and heartfelt “Thanks!” to Sherri Mikeska aka ‘The-Solitary-One’ for contributing $40 to my Cancer Treatment Campaign, and “Thanks!’ for picking this ‘Perk’. I had a blast!




Thank YOU!


Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo



The Other Shoe eBay Store
PLEASE Shop at The Other Shoe eBay Store!

PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!



Danny’s Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo

Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014

Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

Notes from Behind the Keyboard – June 19th, 2014


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today is Wednesday June 18th, 2014, and it is about 5PM PDT here on the West Coast. I have just shot a short ‘video update’ of me, about my health, my blog, and life in general. With all good fortune, I will have this video edited, uploaded, and published by the end of the day. Most hopefully, I will have it ready for viewing before everyone I know and love in Texas is asleep.


If not, I will be promoting the video and this article for the rest of the week. I just might, even, pay the $6.99 to have it ‘promoted’ of Facebook. It would be nice if, like, everyone (back home) knew about the video and had/took a chance to view. There is really nothing (of note) new in my life, my world. Oh, there is this pesky illness… fevers, night sweats, lack of appetite, and a lump on my jawbone and swollen lymph nodes. They (my doctors) have run all sorts of blood tests. All of the ‘usual suspects’ have been ruled out. No, I do not have AIDs. Yes, they do keep running the darn test… year after year. Each year, it comes back negative.


My infectious disease physician wants a C.T. scan (Computerized tomography) of my; face, jawbone, upper cervical spine. They are looking for the source of the infection and the source of the lumps. My primary care physician has already weighed in, with a possible diagnosis. He believes that I am suffering the results of an infection brought about by; a) the rejection of bone tissue used in my cervical surgery b) an infection secondary to the rejection of or metal poisoning from the hardware that was used in the cervical surgery. My money is on the bone rejection, and I have my reasons.


The single best reason is; the neurosurgeon went in with the expressed desire to fuse three discs into one mass. However, once he got in to my neck he discovered that the (many): MRI(s), X-Ray(s) and other scans had not done justice to the extent and damage my cervical spine had endured from four years of moderate-to-severe degenerative disc disease. What he found was; extensive damage to half-a-dozen nerve roots, one cervical disc was completely desiccated and nearly “fell out” of its place between two discs, severe damage to two other discs, and moderate damage to two more, large amounts of “bone chips” resulting from “Bone-on=bone” grinding (like a mortar against a pestle) resulting from the loss of discs, severely ‘damaged and bruised” nerve roots (up to six were “worse than I have ever seen”), and severe degenerative disc disease all through the cervical and thoracic spine. He had prepared for the removal of two cervical discs. He ended up removing (I believe) three to four.


He had reserved the operating room for three hours; I was in surgery for four and a half hours. Resulting in my neurosurgeon having to request more bone grafts during the surgery! Now for a little known factoid; prior to this type of surgery the surgeon ‘orders’ the number of ‘bone grafts’ he needs for the intended surgery 36 to 48 hours prior to the surgery. The bone grafts are then ‘prepared’ for 24-26 hours prior to a surgery. They are ‘prepared’ by (for one) being put into a bath of steroids and human growth hormone bath and a recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein solution. These aid in the bone, actually, grafting TO the surrounding bone, resulting in a sturdy and durable bond.


Since my neurosurgeon did not order the correct number of bone graft pieces prior to surgery, one or more bone grafts were not properly prepared prior to implantation into my neck. As seen in follow-up X-Rays the “bone grafts did not fully knit” the my bones. This is the reason that, now, seven years later I still have popping, and grinding sounds coming from my cervical spine, shooting pains in; my upper chest, face, upper left arm, lower left arm, left hand. What this means is that the bone grafts never “completely knit” with the surrounding bone (mine), that the structure is not solid and “durable”. Further, the lack of the bones completely grafting has resulted in raw bone material lying inside the bone grafts.


This material, since not healed and knit to other bones, is suspect to and frequently results in “opportunistic infections of the bones and bone grafts”. Aye, there’s the rub! With my limited medical education, I am putting my ‘money’ (I don’t really have any money… that’s why I put the parentheses). It is my opinion that the untreated bone grafts not only did not knit with my surrounding bone, but that they have fallen prey to an infectious state, resulting in the symptoms I am currently experiencing. Now, try and get one doctor to say that about another doctor.


Next, the was an “mistake” made by an (admittedly by the corporation) “untrained” medical vendor. I was to have a ‘Bone Growth Stimulator’ placed on my neck, post surgery. Now, according to the company that manufactures the device the bone growth stimulator is to be “Placed on the patient seven to ten days after surgery”. Get a load of this! My bone growth stimulation device was placed on me… … … (drum roll please!) Within MINUTES of me being wheeled out of surgery! That’s right, while I was still under anesthesia, and only moments after my doctor closed the incision, and “untrained” salesperson from the company came and put the bone growth stimulator on me! She removed my solid neck brace, moved my head and neck and shifted me around as the placed four conductive pads around my cervical spine. I awoke, from surgery, with the device already installed!


That is never supposed to happen, like ever! I figure that is a ‘contributing factor’ to the why my bone grafts “never fully knit”. Now, seven years later, I am having; fevers, night sweats, hot “lava feeling” pouring down my cervical spine, loss of appetite, dizziness, and fatigue. My Dear Readers, I cannot get to the scan that I really need done, for the lack of someone around to help me; get dressed, get into my power chair, get into transportation, get to an appointment, and reverse the process and get back home and back into bed. For all of those that have (reasonably) thought “Why doesn’t he get a lawyer?” I agree! I wish I had the help to get to a lawyer and see if I have a case.


So, that is what weighs on my mind and this is what is causing me great distress, loss of sleep, and depression. My Dear Readers, I really do not like talking about all this, that is why (after FOUR YEARS) I have never, once, mentioned it or explained it to you, previously. Yet, I figured that it was time I gave the information to you… and time I documented this problem in a public forum.


Regardless, I will do my level best to continue to write and publish on a regular basis. I will do my level best to bring you entertaining, and informative articles and content.


It, just now, is 6:00PM PDT. The movie that I made is just now finishing up saving to my computer. Just as soon as that is complete, I will begin the upload to YouTube. Just as soon as that is done I will upload this article, embed the video and BAAM! I will publish this edition of ‘Note from Behind the Keyboard – June 18th, 2014”. I will, then, go about promoting this article and posting on; Facebook, Tumblr, Pinitrest, and all the other media sites I belong in an effort to get it seen by as many people as possible. May I please, My Dear Readers, PLEASE ask you to ‘Share’ THIS article? I ‘think’ I may have a lawsuit… there is limited time to file… I cannot afford an attorney… However, IF this article is seen by LOTS and LOTS of people… maybe just MAYBE someone WILL see this article that… CAN… HELP… me.


Please… ‘Share’ this article on; Facebook, Pinintrest, Google, Tumblr… any and ALL ‘social media’ outlets that you belong to. PLEASE? I might just find someone that can help me… and maybe… just maybe I can file a suit… win… and never have to ask for help from anyone for as long as I live. I might even get enough to pay Darrell (my brother) back!


I wouldn’t ask… if I really didn’t need your help.



That brings us to the end of this edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’. Below is a video, the one that I mentioned. It would mean the world to me if you would, please… kindly, please… ‘Share’ this article and this video. It might just help to change the course of my life… for the better. I appreciate all your kindness, support, understanding and continued readership.




Thank YOU!


The Other Shoe eBay Store

The Other Shoe eBay Store



Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


Notes From Behind the Keyboard – May 26th 2014





Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I hope that everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day three-day weekend! I am spending mine waiting to see if and when I will be able to publish at the primary location for my publications… the other The Other Shoe. JWhile I am waiting I am playing a little World of Warcraft and catching up with some old online friends.


Yes, from what I have seen (over at blog dot com) it appears as though they are working to bring back my blog. If that is the case, you should ‘see’ me ramping up production on a large number of articles, including (but not limited to) ‘The Horror in Smithville’! I have about the next five of six episodes already plotted out in my head. It is just a matter of sitting behind the keyboard and taking the adventure with Timmy and Archer… Oh, yeah, and writing it down as we go along. J


By now, I am sure that NASA/JPL have provided a good deal more images from Curiosity on Mars. So, just as soon as I have sorted through all the images they have posted I will be bringing you at least one edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Not to leave out the universe beyond our Solar System, I will be wandering over to the Hubble Space Telescope web site and digging through all the newer images there, too.


Once that venture is complete you can expect to see an ‘All NEW’ edition of ‘Lost In Space’! That should take us to about Thursday or Friday… which segways me nicely to the next subject at hand. My Dear Readers, I am having some second thoughts about the series ‘The Deep Web’. Here is my thinking: I would just hate for any of you, My Dear Readers, to venture into the ‘Deep Web’ and end up getting harmed. I would/could not forgive myself. With that in mind I am, for the time being, mothballing the entire series. Until I can share with you, My Dear Readers, a better and more secure way to venture forth into this other part of the World Wide Web? I cannot, in good conscience, share information on how to get there and play in that world.


That leaves me, us, with a big hole at the end of the week in our line up. I am knocking around a lot of ideas of what to put at the end of the week. I am really thinking of adding a regular article series on PC Gaming! I enjoy PC Gaming so very much… and the series ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ was a resounding success. I am going to toss around ideas, for the rest of the week, but do not be surprised if (come Friday) you do see a reposting of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ here at The Other Shoe. That would mean that I have decided to make Fridays PC Gaming days here at The Other Shoe.


That brings us to the end of this little update and venture Behind the Keyboard. Again, I hope that everyone is taking the time to relax and enjoy this three-day weekend. Spend it with people you love, doing something that you enjoy. It is times, like these, where we make the memories that last a lifetime. If you have the chance? Make a New Friend! One can never have too many good friends, eh?






Thank YOU!


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014

Notes From Behind the Keyboard – May 24th, 2014


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


        Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First, I would like to express my regret that I have not written, or published, in several days time. This is for one simple reason. I am still waiting for my primary blog location (at Blog dot com) to be fixed! It has been more than four days since I have been able to edit or publish at this, my primary blog location. This is really disappointing to me, and has put quite a cramp in my writing schedule.


As most of you, My Dear Readers¸ know I (generally) publish seven to ten articles per week. However, with one (my primary) location down I am hesitant to publish solely at this location. Now, if the unthinkable happens and; all four hundred seventy-five of my articles at The Other – The Other Shoe (www.theothershoe.blog.com) are gone… for good, I am unable to continue my blog of FOUR YEARS at that location… then I will be forced to switch and make this location (here at Word Press) my new primary blog location. This is not what I would like to happen. My Dear Readers, I would very much like to have my missing work returned to me and my control over content returned to me.


Now, if (perchance) you are here at Word Press today having not found my blog location at blog dot com, then Welcome! I hope that you enjoy my work here and I hope that you will continue to drop by, enjoy my articles and stories and tell family and friends about my blog(s). Next, today Allen and I had the fortune to meet a very nice person. Allen and I went out to have out hair cut, and the young man that cut Allen’s hair expressed interest in my writing and blogs. His name was Kelly. Kelly, If you have found your way here ‘Welcome!” It was my pleasure to make your acquaintance. FYI you did a wonderful job on Allen’s hair. Too many people have not taken the time, or effort, and left Allen with an unsatisfactory hair cut.


Yes, My Dear Readers, I do meet people in Real Life and tell them about my blog. I am always working to increase readership, and friends… too. J Kelly, if you have managed to find yourself to this, my secondary blog location, Congrats! I gave you the URL for my primary location… but as I have explained there are real and substantial problems with that location… that I am anxious to have resolved. Hope you had a great day, and that you have a wonderful weekend.


Now, back to the problems with my blog locations, My Dear Readers. I am really hesitant to write and publish a large amount of content; stories, articles, political faire only to have to cross-publish once the primary location is back up and running. It has been three days since I was able to; edit, upload media, or publish articles. I am going to give it until Monday… before I make a decision about continuing to publish here at Word Press in spite of the failure at blog dot com. Now if you have been a reader for some time, then you know that this has happened before with blog dot com. One time, the whole blog was just gone for more than a week.


Drove me nuts! Yet, I have to consider that the service is free… and I just need to be patient. As for my regular articles. Let me put your, My Dear Readers, minds at ease. Just as soon as my primary location is working you will see a return of; ‘The Mars Report’, ‘Lost in Space’, ‘The Horror in Smithville’, A Week in Review’, and ‘Sunday Funnies’. I do not enjoy depriving all of you of this great and enjoyable content. Yet, as I have explained, I simply detest having to spend an entire day publishing (re-publishing) everything I have written while blog dot com had its problems.


Now, for Kelly and all you ‘New Readers’… You can still read over four hundred great articles at my primary blog location (www.theothershoe.blog.com) and there are over 300 articles right here at Word Press! I implore all of you, new and regular(s), to take some time and wander around my blogs. Take in all the work that I have shared over the past four years. Honestly, I am willing to bet that no one can actually read everything I have published (in four years) before I get my primary blog location back up and running.


There. Done. Now, I am going to vent a little. I am deeply disturbed that I have been denied any and all administrative control of my primary blog location for the past 72 hours. It is upsetting… and really frustrating to have someone stand between me and my written works! Ticks me off to no end, I can tell you what. Having said, once it is back? I may well be running an all new Indiegogo Campaign to raise funds for me to; lease access to a URL, obtain web hosting, lease blog software, and recreate my original blog The Other Shoe on a web host of my own! I have been tossing around that idea for the past two years. Now, I believe that the time has come… I grow weary of waiting for others to return my creative content back to me. That just stinks.


So, My Dear Readers, that is what I have been up to for the past several days. I have written over fifteen technical support requests to the Web Masters at blog dot com. Not once have they responded! That is pretty unprofessional, and pretty darn upsetting, too. I am going to keep writing support requests. I am going to keep monitoring The Other Shoe at blog dot com. I am going to keep writing… and holding it back… Yes, once I am ready I DO have a good deal of content ready to be published.


That brings us to the end of this edition of ‘Notes From Behind the Keyboard’. I hope that everyone sticks around to see just how the problems with blog dot com… resolve. Yes! I do have Part Nine of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ in varying states of readiness. And, YES! IT is quite good. Timmy’s zombie Wolf bite is getting worse and Archer is beside himself with grief. They do not know where to turn… when a brand new character makes an appearance… That is all I am going to tell you, right now. But… it is very good. (And well worth the wait).


To all my new readers, “WELCOME!” and that goes for you, too, Kelly. I hope to see you all again very soon. Until then have a great and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend.






Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014

Returning, to YOU, Soon… Hopefully


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


My Dear Readers,

For the past ten days I have been unable to write or publish. First, it is an average of 80° in my apartment at any given time. This alone plays Hell with my condition an pain. A well the notebook computer I do ALL my work on, is nearly ten years old.. The only reason it still works is that I refuse to operate the computer in a room 75°, or warmer. A cool computer runs faster and live longer.


Therefore, I have been UNABLE to; write, publish, edit ANYTHING while my apartment is so bloody hot! They are schedule to replace my non-working A/C TODAY! As soon as that is done, and I am bathed, the apartment is a reasonable temperature I WILL PUBLISH.


My apologies…. I can only hope an pray you will all come back to; read, enjoy an be entertained and thrilled once my home is back to normal. FYI, I am sitting in my front room dripping with sweat, writing this on a tablet and waiting for the repairman. It will be good to be cool, again. I will write and publish soon.


Thanks for your continued support!


P.S. My Dear Readers, my dreams have seen fruition. About two hours ago the maintenance finally finished cleaning the A/C to be installed in my apartment. Just about 90 minutes ago… It was installed! Yes, I now have a completely clean and working Air Conditioner in my apartment.


That means, over the coming days, I will return to my regular writing and publishing schedule! Right now, I am not going to promise which publication(s) I will make, when, as I am very tried. I have not sleep, through the night, in more than ten days! Tonight, I need to rest and sleep. Tomorrow… I will begin my day by starting the computer I use to write, upon waking.


Fear not, all the regular article series have been on my mind. ‘The Horror in Smithville’ is riding in my frontal lobe, all ready to be put to words… put to paper (as it were), and shared (Published) On TIME! That is all I will put in stone, as it were, at this moment. You all know that I long to return to Mars and Curiosity… and the Hubble Space Telescope. By week’s end… you will have a good deal of reading material for your edification and entertainment.


Thank you for your patience and understanding in this trying and difficult time, MY Dear Readers. Now, I am off to have a nice dinner, and a long and restful sleep.


TTFN (Ta Ta For Now!)


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014

Notes From Behind the Keyboard – May 14th 2014


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


 Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Well, I awoke, this morning, to find my blog here at blog dot com is working! This is great news for me, and for you My Dear Readers. Since my happy discovery I have been working to put together issues of all our favorite articles, for your reading pleasure. Now, to be honest, I must admit that I was rather enjoying having some down time while the blog was… missing.


I used the time to play some PC games that I never have time to play, when I am working on the blog seven days a week. You see, for most people there are enough hours in a day, to do both. I may just have to start pushing my writing to three to four days a week, and spending the rest of the time resting and/or playing games that I find relaxing. Thing is, I did have some time to enjoy riding around in a forest, killing some monsters, and making some beneficial trades. An enjoyable time was had by all.


Next, today is Wednesday and it is 1PM in the afternoon. I am going to make a good effort to write and publish an edition of ‘The Mars Report’ for this week. Once it cools down here, it is over 90 already outside and my air conditioner (the second one they have put in my room in two weeks) is not working! Taking all the pain medications that I consume makes me very sensitive to heat. Sensitive in that if the room I am in is over 73 degrees I become nauseas and dizzy. Often times I will pass out… I dislike the fact that I cannot seem to get a working A/C unit in my apartment. What I wouldn’t give to be able to go out and purchase one for myself and be done with the lazy staff.


OK, I am going to publish this update, and then back to working on either an issue of ‘The Mars Report’ or ‘Lost In Space’. Come back here, in about two to three hours, and see which I have published!






Thank YOU!


Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


Notes from Behind the Keyboard – May 7th, 2014

Danny Of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014



 Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, before I get started on today’s edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’ I wanted to take a moment to express my ‘Thanks!’ to people, without whom, my journey yesterday would not have been possible. I would like to say “Thank you!” to: All the drivers and support people at Orange County Para-Transit Access, Los Angeles County Para-Transit Access, the good people at OCTA and MTA, all of the nurses and support people at Palos Verdes Medical Group, my Primary Physician Dr. L. Gorlick, the phlebotomist and technicians from Memorial Medical Services at PVMD, and my caregiver and significant other of 27 years Glen Allen. Yesterday was my quarterly follow-up visit to my primary care giver, and good friend Dr. Laurence Gorlick.


Without the help and support of all the people, named above, I would not have been able to make the twelve hour and 89 mile journey. Now, I just know what most of you are thinking, and with good reason. ‘Danny, WHY, in the world are you traveling that far just to see a doctor?” Simple, from 2005 to 2013 Dr. Gorlick’s office was located just six blocks from my home in Cypress, CA. However, late last year he left his practice in Los Alamitos (of 23 years) and returned to his practice in Rolling Hills Estates.


Promenade on the Peninsula

Promenade on the Peninsula


Dr. Gorlick has seen me through, two surgeries, a minor stroke, innumerable minor illnesses, my allergies, and had help to manage my pain so that I am able to function and even write without fail nor falter. Next, have any of you tried to find a new doctor… in the past decade? Most, are flakes if not quacks, and all too many could really care less about getting to know their patients, much less being involved in their pain management. Even the nice Infectious Disease doctor I saw, wanted to farm me off to a ‘Pain Control Specialist’. Horsefeathers!


Most of those specialists are of the mind that ‘nobody really needs pain medications’ everything can be solved with ‘physical therapy’ and ‘exercise’. ROFLMFAO Then they have never experienced pain secondary to nerve root damage and spinal cord stenosis. For four years six of my nerve roots were ground between two rock hard discs of my cervical spine, ground like between a mortar and pestle. I have had no less than four neurosurgeons calmly explain to me that “Mr. Hanning, you will be in severe pain for the rest of your life… most likely ended by a small fall resulting in your own spine severing your spinal cord.” Allen often wonders why is it that he will, sometimes, just see me crying. For no apparent reason… I break out in tears and start to cry. Let’s have a doctor tell you that (^) and see if you don’t find yourself crying for no apparent reason. I have my reasons.


So, yesterday I made my way into Los Angeles, and then back home, via Disneyland. Ironic, that on my way to my doctor’s office, I pass through ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’. None-the-less, I had a very good appointment. I explained the progress I have made on the newly discovered lump on my jawbone. The consultation with the oncologist, and the urgency of having said lump removed and a biopsy done. Dr. Gorlick had some blood drawn, wrote out prescriptions for more pain medications, listen to my lungs… he always listens to my lungs, then we talked briefly about his family and back on the road, again, back home.


Once I got home, well, my travels were not over. I got in the door and immediately took out Alexander R Hanning. He does not like being left alone at home for that many hours. I was rolled up in a fury little ball in the corner of his cage, with his fur on end. Yeap, that is one pissed off rat! So, I took Alex out of his cage and held him close to my face, kissing his little ears and face. Within about thrity seconds he was grinding to beat the band and licking my face.


Yes, fancy rats are a lot like small dogs. Anyway, now that I had Alex all squared away, I got myself something to drink. About this time I see it is 5PM… I am in so much pain I am nearly blind… It is almost time to take my 6PM pain medication. I open the travel container I keep my pain medications in only to realize that in my haste I had totally forgot to take my noon Pain medication. Well, now that would go very far to explain the terrific pain that I am feeling and why it feels like my spine is drilling right through my neck muscles.


I take my 6PM pain medication and put the missed dose back into the jar. No way am I doubling up on Percodan… I like to BREATHE! So, now I have taken my pain meds, soothed a pissed off rat, and washed up a little. Now, it is time to get back into my power chair and make the journey four blocks to the pharmacy to drop off prescriptions, and pick up four prescriptions. It is about 8PM when I leave the house for the pharmacy, it was 12 hours before that I got on my first para-transit to get to L.A.. Twelve hours, and still miles to go before I sleep.


My Dear Readers, I write and publish this work not to complain. Rather, I write this article and share it with you to show just how hard I do push myself, all the time. Yes, I am disabled. Yes, I have little feeling or use of my left hand. Yes, I am in real and substantial pain from the moment I wake every day to the moment I fall asleep every night. However, NEVER will I allow my pain or disability to prevent me from getting what I can… done. I do not look, nor ask, for pity. NEVER!


Sometimes, I will ask for… help… support… a hand in making ends meet… or to put food on my table… or pay off a nagging debt. However, before I ever would think of doing that I will try every imaginable way possible to deal with it alone… by myself… first. It is pride… a devotion to a belief that I must do for myself, the best that I can, and never ask for help of any kind. Oh, I will gladly take your accolades, your applause, your “Likes’ and ‘Shares’ and won’t miss a beat. I believe in myself. Ask Allen, I have a pretty high opinion… of myself. I enjoy my own writing, and know that (in time) I can do better and better, still.


I am quite fortunate to have been raised in a way that I; ‘Have the courage of my convictions, and the convictions of my beliefs’. Case in point; I am about to start writing Part Eight of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. How I have not revisited this piece for more than a week. Have not written, have not published a single word or phrase. However, I know that when I sit down at this keyboard (or microphone) that the world will appear before my eyes. That the characters will all come into my mind and play out their roles.


I know that the story will continue…. Because? Because, My Dear Readers, the story lives on inside me. I am not writing of some foreign world. I am not putting words into the mouths of strangers. Timmy and Archer they live within me. I can see through their eyes, I can feel their fear, enjoy their happiness, know their aspirations, and revel in the success. Believe it or not… understand it or not… this is the way I write. I write from the inside, out. When they shed a tear, I cry. When they face their fears, I know their pride.


Be it genetics, antics as a youth, a typewriter that dropped on my head nearly thirty years ago…. MY body will never be as it was… I will never… again in my life, run. I may never be able to climb a tree… ride a horse… and never touch the stars. However, My Dear Readers, do not shed a single tear for me. For I live through my characters… I live through my work. When I am ready, I will venture to the stars… and I will do it through my writing, via my characters… and I will know their joy.


I could fall in my bathtub tomorrow… slip and fall… cause my discs to sever my spinal cord…. I refuse to live in fear. Until… my time comes, I will write. I will share, and my characters… they will share with me. Share with me those things I cannot do… and I will smile.


Thank you, My Dear Readers, for coming here… once again, and reading what I have to share. Your readership means the world to me. I solemnly promise to you. As long as you keep coming here to read? I will always do my best to give you some to read. Be sure to drop by later tomorrow… as I rejoin Timmy and Archer in ‘The Horror in Smithville!






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Danny Hanning Of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014

Danny Hanning Of The Other Shoe – May 6th, 2014


A Week in Review – April 27th, 2014

 Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Things have been off schedule, here at The Other Shoe. The primary blog location, at blog dot com, was gone for three days. Since earlier today I have been working double-time to get everything posted and up to date. MY Dear Readers this is the reason that, later this year, I will be running a funding campaign to move this blog to my own web site.


This was a nicely productive week. Including this article I have published eight articles, including the single longest and most exciting episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Weighing in at fourteen pages, last week’s episode was an incredible achievement for a person in my condition. Now for a little preview for the upcoming week here at The Other Shoe.


I will be preparing for my quarterly primary doctor’s visit, this week. I am hoping that I can squeeze in; A C.T. Scan, a surgical consult, and a diagnostic visit with my Infectious disease specialist. I know that is a very ambitious schedule, but I simply must go in to next week’s quarterly visit with some news!  


Now, without further adieu I give you ‘A Week in Review’!


  • Sunday Funnies – April 20th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If it is Sunday, then it is time for ‘Sunday Funnies’! I am very happy to announce that I do have an all new edition for your viewing pleasure. This week has taken a huge toll on my health. Actually it is the frantic pace of the past seven weeks. Each and every week I have managed to publish between seven and nine articles, without fail.” This week was no exception to that insane schedule. Now, I understand that if I back off this publication schedule, I will loose readers. My health is becoming more important than a number in a box on my web site. My pain had reached levels I have never known before, in my entire life. I have little, if any, time to spend; playing games, visiting with friends or family, RESTING, or any other normal aspect of life. Therefore, I have a feeling that the next two weeks… I will be publishing less frequently. My health and my happiness must come first.
  • The Mars Report – A Decade of Opportunity on Mars : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am pleased to present a short review of a decade of images from the Mars rover, Opportunity. Launched in July of 2003 and landing on the surface of Mars January 2004, both the Opportunity and Spirit rovers have produced images and science, consistently, for the past ten years. NASA/JPL have proved, beyond any doubt, that they can design, build, launch and guide scientific platforms like no other country on earth.” This week I made the Herculean effort to write tributes to the longest serving Martian rover ever! Spirit has gone to a better place, and served several years. On the other hand, Opportunity finished out ten years of service and is set to continue work this Martian spring. This is the tribute to that intrepid rover, Opportunity. I do not know if any of you reading have been here long enough, but I used to write about this rover, long before ‘The Mars Report’ and before Curiosity landed on the Martian soil. I believe in America’s efforts at space exploration. It is my belief that Earth is mankind’s cradle… play pen and that one day, soon, we will leave this earth behind to forge the destiny of our species among the stars.
  • The Mars Report – A Decade of Spirit on Mars : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am pleased to present a short review of a decade of images from the Mars rover, Spirit. Launched in July of 2003 and landing on the surface of Mars January 2004, both the Opportunity and Spirit rovers have produced images and science, consistently, for the past ten years. NASA/JPL have proved, beyond any doubt, that they can design, build, launch and guide scientific platforms like no other country on earth.” The rover, Spirit, gave six years of service to NASA/JPL, America and the human species. Spirit added to; science, Martian image library, and to this (and many other) blog(s), not to mention pushing the science of extraplantery exploration ahead decades. We learned from its life on Mars, we learned from its death on Mars. The rover, Spirit, is no longer working on Mars. It sits, in the last place we gave it commands, waiting for its human creators to join it on the surface of Mars. I really do hope that we don’t make Spirit wait too long.
  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “The remaining zombie-wolves were now running for the forest. One mistakenly headed to the forest too close to ‘The Tall Man’. The Tall Man then kicked the zombie-wolf. The wolf went up in the air higher than it stood, had to be nearly fifty feet in the air and traveled the distance of two or more football fields! Tommy had never seen anything like that, a wolf being kicked half a mile in distance and nearly fifty feet into the air.” This episode… out of ALL of the previous six… THIS episode had it all! I am very proud of the work I did, on this episode. There is no way I am going to tell you any more… READ, or be left behind.
  • Lost in Space – April 25th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I would like to welcome you to another fine edition of the space faring series ‘Lost in Space’! I have some pretty spectacular images, again, from the space telescope Hubble. As well, with each image I will do my best to share information about location, and what it is that we are looking at. However, before we get started today I would like to as just how many of you, My Dear Readers, have taken the plunge?” Two editions of ‘The Mars Report’ and an edition of ‘Lost in Space’ all in one week!? Me thinks that you, My Dear Readers, are a bit spoiled. 😉 This edition of ‘Lost in Space’ has ten links to further reading, six images and one video. You see, this is the frantic pace of which I speak and the one I can no longer continue… unassisted. Since I am unlikely to find myself in the company of someone willing to help me with the blog, I cannot imagine I will be able to continue at this pace much longer. Oh, this edition… right. Nebula and start clusters abound. I pick these images very carefully, and I share links to a lot of further information. I pride myself on not only entertaining, but educating, too. Enjoy!
  • Notes from Behind the Keyboard – April 26th, 2014 : “Welcome My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe & ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’. This article series is started to replace the monthly/weekly ‘Personal/Medical Updates’ I have, previously, penned here at The Other Shoe. For the longest time I have really wanted to replace the title of these works, today I stumbled upon the title.” Doctors suck, my health declines, my pain is worse and my depression deepens. There I just saved you reading a whole article. NOT! Well, it would be good if you read, and maybe watched the included video. I did take the time to; write, edit, publish, shoot the video, upload the video and embed the video into the article. I am sorry, My Dear Readers, I am getting tired… my pain is worsening… and I get… depressed.
  • The Republican Party of the 21st Century : “So long as the extremists, the ideologues of the Tea Party that have thrown a monkey wrench into the inner workings of Washington, and labeled intransigence a “political victory” have the Republican Party by the short hairs our nation is at risk. For any democracy that simply cannot get the work of governance done, is a democracy headed for extinction. I have long said that “intransigence must be replaced with compromise” and that as long as “Republicans allow Freshmen Congressmen and Senators control the debate, is like letting the teenager in the house4 control the budget!”” That last bit, the part I quoted of myself? THAT appeared on a broadcast of ‘Face the Nation’ where Mr. Bob Sheiffer used MY WORDS to question Senator Mitch McConnell… and the WORLD heard my voice. If you have never had that happen, heard your own words spoke on a television show… I strongly suggest you try it. It is the single most incredible experience of my life. I have been fortunate enough to have experienced that sensation… twice, both thanks to Mr. Bob Sheiffer. Contrary to the aspersions of my dear brother, my words lead the debate… not echo. I mean no harm to the Republican Party. Actually, quite the contrary is true. The terrible division within the ‘Grand old Party’ is damaging our country. The intransigence in the House, ripples out from D.C and infects every organ and cell of our great nation. The sooner the Republican Party is healed, the sooner our country will find good health. Period.


With that, and the publication of this article, I finish out the week with eight articles. My Dear Readers, I want you to take a look at any and all of the above reviewed articles you care. However, if you were to limit yourself to one, I would suggest ‘The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven’. I feel great pride in that work. I feel prideful in what is to come next. The story of Timmy and Archer is slated to continue well into the summer.


There is a good chance that the story will be with us, come Halloween. I have so much more for them to experience, and so many more places for these two young lads to further their adventure, and their growth. I hope that you join me, and the other My Dear Readers that have found ‘The Horror in Smithville’ very entertaining, and rewarding.


My Dear Readers, I cannot put into words the joy I feel when I see your ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’. There isn’t a lot that makes me smile, anymore… your kind support… does. The next two weeks will be full of exams, doctor visits, and tests. I do hope to keep writing and publishing, at the same pace. However, I have to be honest and tell you that I am not sure I can keep this mad pace… up.


Thank you for coming here, thank you for reading, thank you for your kind words, thank you for sharing. I hope that I being happiness to you, and those you share my work. I hope that I can continue this work for many years to come.


Until we meet again, Adieu!


Thank YOU!


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Daniel’s Personal & Medical Update – April 16th, 2014


Daneil Hanning of The Other Shoe 2001

Daneil Hanning of The Other Shoe 2001


          Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I return to you, today, after a difficult and troubling day. Yesterday I went to see an Infectious Disease specialist at Memorial Hospital/Orange Coast. It was my pleasure to meet this doctor, for the first time, yesterday. Little did I imagine that, in just the space of a few hours, I would be seen by not only her but also several other doctors.


As I have mentioned, I have a lump on the right side of my face at the jaw line. It has been evaluated by an Otolaryngologist, just two weeks ago. It was his opinion that it was an “enlarged lymph node” and gave me a order to have a C.T. (computed tomography) scan of my jaw and neck. I had procrastinated setting up this imaging, due to scheduling conflicts with my caregiver. Now, back to yesterday.


I meet with the Infectious disease specialist, I explained my reoccurring fevers, fatigue, and elevated white counts in blood tests. Within moments an Oncologist was in the room, examining the growth. Now, I have a bit of a decision to make… Because; the oncologist feels that this growth is not a enlarged lymph node but a “growth”. The oncologist wants this “growth” removed as soon as possible and examined.


Yes, in just a matter of a day my enlarged lymph node has graduated to a growth in need of “immediate removal”. They wanted me to see a surgeon, yesterday, too. I was a bit overwhelmed, so I asked to be given some time to consider all the new information. I am awaiting a phone call today, with the results of the blood tests. They took four vials of blood from me. To run several blood tests; a CBC (Complete Blood Count), WBS included, an ‘E Sed Rate (Electronic Sedimentary rate), another HIV (I just had one in October that came back negative), a BUN/Creatin level, and a couple of other tests I did not recognize.


Once these tests results are available, I will make them known to you, My Dear Readers. I just have to say, I feel a bit like a ping pong ball. Bouncing from one diagnosis to the other, within weeks of each other. I really was not prepared for surgery when I left yesterday. I mean, I am agreeable to having this thing removed. Yes, I want to know what the growth is…


Its just I was mentally and emotionally prepared for a visit to diagnose my infectious disease. I have frequent fevers, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, headaches, growing burning sensation in my neck… along with all the pains, and physical shortcomings from my degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. I just wasn’t emotionally prepared to see an oncologist. That was just, kind of, dropped on me.


So, I apologize for not writing, yesterday. It was a long and trying day. When I got home I was just very tired and somewhat introspect. I am feeling a bit better, today. Resolved to discover what this… “growth” is and hopeful that out of all the blood tests done, yesterday, a better understanding of my health will appear. Earlier, today, I published this week’s edition of ‘Lost in Space’. I do hope that everyone takes some time to look at the incredible images I have shared.


As well, I have an absolutely wonderful video for this week’s ‘Sunday Funnies’! Alexander is back and he is really entertaining in this week’s episode. Be sure to drop by on Sunday to check that out. I have already started working on Thursday’s ‘The Horror in Smithville’, and I must admit I am very much satisfied with how this story is progressing. Do you remember? When we last left Timmy and Archer, Timmy had fallen asleep, again and found himself standing in a graveyard!


There is so much more coming, this week, to The Other Shoe. Rest assured that no matter the test results… no matter the surgeries… I will do everything in my power to keep presenting great and entertaining articles and stories for all of you My Dear Readers!




Thank YOU!


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Out of the Darkness, Into the Dawn

            Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am so very happy to be able, physically able, to ride again. Beginning a week ago today, February 15, 2014 I have been stricken ill. I had fallen prey to an acute bacterial upper respiratory infection. Let me tell you, My Dear Readers, that I have not been this sick in more than a decade. Another thing? Fighting this kind of infection at 50+ years of age is substantially more difficult than fighting the same infection at 40 something. Had it not been for the timely intervention in my care by my primary care physician, Dr. Gorlick. I would likely still be deep in the throes of this terrible bacterial infection.


I am slowly, but surely, regaining strength and stamina. Whereas nothing in life would make me happier than to write a couple of 7, 10 or 12 page articles for you, My Dear Readers. I am completely bereft of the physical ability to use in my previous levels. Had I not been stricken with this disease I would have, likely, not realized just how much I had been writing in the past month. Prior to falling into the altered consciousness that comes with prolonged high fevers, I took a look back over the past several weeks at my work.


Much to my surprise, I quickly realized that in the past 4 to 6 weeks I have written, edited and published nearly 50 articles. Just last week we finally culminated the celebration of my 350th article here at The Other Shoe. We now, My Dear Readers, a rapidly approaching 390 articles. The fourth anniversary of this blog is in just over three weeks. As we luck may have it, it appears as though I could well be publishing my 400th article at the very same time we celebrate the fourth anniversary of this blog. Should that occur, My Dear Readers, at the same time as it appears it will I can guarantee you I will most likely have a seven part review and engage an entire week of reviewing all the 400 articles I have written, edited and published in the past four years.


This week, however, I have a story to tell you about the origin and nature of the disease I just baffled. An experience, for the lack of a better word a vision, I had while in the throes of 104 104.2° temperature. And, lastly, I hope to devoted article to a growing disease within our great nation. A disease, not much unlike cancer at first, many Americans choose to ignore… Are even claim it does not exist. I am not talking about the acute bacterial upper respiratory infection, and talking of a much darker much more insidious disease that is running rampant in our great nation.


The next two weeks may well challenge some of my readers. Challenge them with facts figures numbers charts proof of something gravely insidious. Unfortunately I have already encountered some that Stephen the discussion of this topic is an affront to their delicate sensibilities. I cannot be bothered with such ignorance. I cannot be hampered by the disingenuous nature of their Shocker Surprise. My Dear Readers I have faith that the vast majority of you will continue to read and continue to be followers of this blog and my writing. I have a great deal of faith in you, My Dear Readers.


Now, with what little strength and stamina I have waning going to do a quick introduction for the nine minute video I have embedded into this publication. The video is an update for all of you that concern yourselves with my safety my welfare and my health. Quite honestly I do not feel it was enough for me just to write a few words to let you know I was on the mend. Nay, that is not nearly enough for you My Dear Readers. You deserve more, and more is exactly what I will give you.


The video shows you the state that I’m currently in, and how this brutal disease is left me. I wanted to show everyone that I’m breathing I can set up right and that I’m ready just build strength beginning to gauge my readers. As well as the video, I would like to extend a deep and heartfelt “Thank you!” to my good friend Ian Cottier in England. Ian read that I was going without food, while battling this terrible infection. Without food and without hopes of obtaining any food least someone reach out and lend me a hand.


When my temperature reached 104.2, he reached out and lent more than just a helping hand. He assisted in me obtaining food, and went further. He helped me retire some debt that had plagued me, and removed a huge and crippling rock that had been pressing on me, and my health. It is a true friend indeed that sees a friend in need and puts aside their needs to help that friend, indeed. I did not call and ask him for help. I did not call anyone and ask for help. That is my greatest weakness, the ability to reach out from under extreme circumstance, and ask for assistance. He saw my need. He saw my deteriorating health. He reached out to me, from across a great sea, and lifted a tremendous weight away from me. I am forever in his debt.


Ironic, that in the same week I lost what I thought was a ‘good friend’… and in the same week found great friendship from thousands of miles away form a man I have never met face to face.


It is with that thought I leave you, My Dear Readers, to view the following video of a recovering me.





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